Planetary Atmospheres Group

Publications in 2020

    • Water vapor vertical profiles on Mars: Results from the first full Mars Year of TGO/NOMAD science operations

      Aoki, S., Vandaele, A.C., Daerden, F., Villanueva, G., Thomas, I., Erwin, J., Trompet, L., Robert, S., Neary, L., Viscardy, S., Piccialli, A., Liuzzi, G., Crismani, M., Clancy, R.T., Smith, M., Ristic, B., Lopez-Valverde, M.-A., Patel, M., Bellucci, G., Lopez-Moreno, J.J.

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-392 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-362

    • Characterization facility for the MAJIS/JUICE VIS-NIR FM and SM detectors

      Bolsée, D., Van Laeken, L., Cisneros-González, M.E., Pereira, N., Depiesse, C., Jacobs, L., Vandaele, A.C., Ritter, B., Gissot, S., Karatekin, Ö. Poulet, F., Langevin, Y., Dumesnil, C., Dubois, J.-P., Arondel, A., Haffoud, P., Ketchazo, C., Hervier, V.

      Proceedings of SPIE 11443: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 14-18 December 2020, Vol. 11443, issue , 1214-1233 (2020), DOI: 10.1117/12.2576319

    • SOIR/VEx observations of water vapor at the terminator in the Venus mesosphere

      Chamberlain, S., Mahieux, A., Robert, S., Piccialli, A., Trompet, L., Vandaele, A.C., Wilquet, V.

      Icarus, Vol. 346, issue , A113819 (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2020.113819

    • MAJIS/JUICE VIS-NIR FM and SM detectors characterization

      Cisneros-González, M., Bolsée, D., Pereira, N., Van Laeken, L., Depiesse, C., Jacobs, L., Robert, S., Vandaele, A.C., Gissot, S., Karatekin, Ö., Poulet, F., Langevin, Y., Dumesnil, C., Dubois, J.P., Arondel, A., Haffoud, P., Ketchazo, C., Hervier, V., Crane, B.

      Proceedings of SPIE 11443: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 14-18 December 2020, Vol. 11443, issue , 271-285 (2020), DOI: 10.1117/12.2562063

    • The thermal-vacuum and security system of the characterization facility for MAJIS/JUICE VIS-NIR FM and SM detectors

      Cisneros-González, M.E., Bolsée, D., Van Laeken, L., Pereira, N., Gérard, P., Robert, S., Vandaele, A.C., Karatekin, Ö., Poulet, F., Dumesnil, C., Dubois, J.P., Hansotte, J., Le Du, M., Picot, L.

      Proceedings of SPIE 11443: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 14-18 December 2020, Vol. 11443, issue , 1202-1213 (2020), DOI: 10.1117/12.2576308

    • Toward CO2 Surface Ice Properties of Martian Terrains with the NOMAD/LNO Channel Data

      Cruz Mermy, G., Schmidt, F., Daerden, F., Thomas, I.R., Ristic, B., Robert, S., Patel, M.R., Bellucci, G., Altieri, F., Lopez-Moreno, J.-J., Vandaele, A.C.

      51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 16-20, 2020, The Woodlands, TX, USA, Vol. , issue , #1858 (2020), DOI:

    • Simulating Mars D/H and atmospheric chemistry during the 2018 Global Dust Storm and comparing with NOMAD observations

      Daerden, F., Neary, L., Villanueva, G., Aoki, S., Viscardy, S., Thomas, I., Vandaele, A.C., Liuzzi, G., Crismani, M., Khayat, A., Smith, M.D., Clancy, R.T., Wolff, M.J., Sandor, B.J., Whiteway, J.A., Mumma, M.J., Erwin, J., Willame, Y., Piccialli, A., the BIRA-IASB NOMAD team (continued)

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-371 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-371

    • Virtual European Solar & Planetary Access (VESPA): A Planetary Science Virtual Observatory Cornerstone

      Erard, S., Cecconi, B., Le Sidaner, P., Chauvin, C., Rossi, A.P., Minin, M., Capria, T., Ivanovski, S., Schmitt, B., Génot, V., André, N., Marmo, C., Vandaele, A.C., Trompet, L., Scherf, M., Hueso, R., Määttänen, A., Carry, B., Achilleos, N., Soucek, J., Pisa, D., Benson, K., Fernique, P., Millour, E.

      Data Science Journal, Vol. 19, issue 1, A22 (2020), DOI: 10.5334/dsj-2020-022

    • Virtual European Solar & Planetary Access (VESPA): Progress and prospects

      Erard, S., Cecconi, B., Le Sidaner, P., Rossi, A.P., Brandt, C., Rothkaehl, H., Tomasik, L., Ivanovski, S., Molinaro, M., Schmitt, B., Génot, V., André, N., Vandaele, A.C., Trompet, L., Scherf, M., Hueso, R., Määttänen, A., Millour, E., Schmidt, F., Waldmann, I., the VESPA team

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-190 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-190

    • Martian Atmosphere CO Vertical Profiles: Results from the First Year of TGO/NOMAD Science Operations

      Erwin, J., Aoki, S., Thomas, I., Trompet, L., Vandaele, A.C., Robert, S., Daerden, F., Ristic, B., Lopez-Moreno, J.J., Bellucci, G., Patel, M.

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-668 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-668

    • The science goals of the EnVision Venus orbiter mission

      Ghail, R., Wilson, C., Widemann, T., Titov, D., Ansan, V., Bovolo, F., Breuer, D., Bruzzone, L., Campbell, B., Dumoulin, C., Helbert, J., Hensley, S., Kiefer, W., Komatsu, G., Le Gall, A., Marcq, E., Mason, P., Robert, S., Rosenblatt, P., Vandaele, A.C.

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-599 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-599

    • Martian visible and ultraviolet dayglow: altitude, latitudinal and seasonal variations observed with NOMAD/TGO

      Gérard, J.-C., Aoki, S., Gkouvelis, L., Willame, Y., Depiesse, C., Thomas, I.R., Risctic, B., Vandaele, A.C., Daerden, F., Hubert, B., Mason, J., Patel, M., López-Moreno, J., López-Valverde, M., Belluci, G.

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-309 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-309

    • Detection of green line emission in the dayside atmosphere of Mars from NOMAD-TGO observations

      Gérard, J.-C., Aoki, S., Willame, Y., Gkouvelis, L., Depiesse, C., Thomas, I.R., Ristic, B., Vandaele, A.C., Daerden, F., Hubert, B., Mason, J., Patel, M.R., López-Moreno, J.-J., Bellucci, G., López-Valverde, M.A., Beeckman, B.

      Nature Astronomy, Vol. 4, issue 11, 1049-1052 (2020), DOI: 10.1038/s41550-020-1123-2

    • Development of a knowledge management system for the NOMAD instrument onboard the ExoMars TGO spacecraft

      Hetey, L., Neefs, E., Thomas, I., Zender, J., Vandaele, A., Berkenbosch, S., Ristic, B., Bonnewijn, S., Delanoye, S., Leese, M., Mason, J., Patel, M.

      Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 92, issue 2, 81-92 (2020), DOI: 10.1108/AEAT-12-2018-0310

    • Lower atmosphere water/hydrogen activity during the MY 34 regional dust storm

      Holmes, J.A., Lewis, S.R., Patel, M.R., Aoki, S., Fedorova, A.A., Chaffin, M.S., Schneider, N.M., Kass, D.M., Vandaele, A.C.

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-772 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-772

    • On the detection of a high-altitude peak of atmospheric ozone by the NOMAD/UVIS onboard the ExoMars TGO

      Khayat, A., Smith, M., Wolff, M., Daerden, F., Patel, M., Piccialli, A., Vandaele, A.C., Thomas, I., Mason, J., Willame, Y., Bellucci, G., Depiesse, C., Lopez-Moreno, J.-J.

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-362 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-362

    • ExoMars spot unieke groene gloed in de atmosfeer van de Rode Planeet

      Lefever, K., Vandaele, A.C., Gérard, J.-C., Aoki, S.

      Heelal, Vol. 65, issue 8, 9-11 (2020), DOI:

    • Strong Variability of Martian Water Ice Clouds During Dust Storms Revealed From ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter/NOMAD

      Liuzzi, G., Villanueva, G.L., Crismani, M.M.J., Smith, M.D., Mumma, M.J., Daerden, F., Aoki, S., Vandaele, A.C., Clancy, R.T., Erwin, J., Thomas, I., Ristic, B., Lopez-Moreno, J.-J., Bellucci, G., Patel, M.R.

      Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Vol. 125, issue 4, e2019JE006250 (2020), DOI: 10.1029/2019JE006250

    • Monitoring Venus cloud top: the VenSpec-U spectrometer on board ESA EnVision

      Marcq, E., Guignan, G., Lustrement, B., Montmessin, F., Lasue, J., Bézard, B., Vandaele, A.C., Helbert, J., Widemann, T., Wilson, C., Ghail, R.

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-622 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-622

    • Composition and Chemistry of the Neutral Atmosphere of Venus

      Marcq, E., Mills, F., Sandor, B., Vandaele, A.C.

      Venus III: The View After Venus Express, Vol. , issue , 253-307 (2020), DOI:

    • Atmospheric Chemistry on Present-Day Venus and Earth: Unresolved Issues and Implications for Extrasolar Planets

      Mills, F.P., Parkinson, C.D., Jessup, K. L., Yung, Y.L., Marcq, E., Vandaele, A.C.

      Exoplanets in Our Backyard: Solar System and Exoplanet Synergies on Planetary Formation, Evolution, and Habitability, February 5-7, 2020, Houston, TX, USA, Vol. , issue , #3022 (2020), DOI:

    • Explanation for the Increase in High‐Altitude Water on Mars Observed by NOMAD During the 2018 Global Dust Storm

      Neary, L., Daerden, F., Aoki, S., Whiteway, J., Clancy, R.T., Smith, M., Viscardy, S., Erwin, J.T., Thomas, I.R., Villanueva, G., Liuzzi, G., Crismani, M., Wolff, M., Lewis, S.R., Holmes, J.A., Patel, M.R., Giuranna, M., Depiesse, C., Piccialli, A., Robert, S., Trompet, L., Willame, Y., Ristic, B., Vandaele, A.C.

      Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 47, issue 7, e2019GL084354 (2020), DOI: 10.1029/2019GL084354

    • UV/Vis+ photochemistry database: Structure, content and applications

      Noelle, A., Vandaele, A.C., Martin-Torres, J., Yuan, C., Rajasekhar, B.N., Fahr, A., Hartmann, G.K., Lary, D., Lee, Y.-P., Limão-Vieira, P., Locht, R., McNeill, K., Orlando, J.J., Salama, F., Wayne, R.P.

      Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 253, issue , A107056 (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.107056

    • Participation of women scientists in ESA solar system missions: a historical trend

      Piccialli, A., Rathbun, J.A., Levasseur-Regourd, A.-C., Määttänen, A., Milillo, A., Rengel, M., Rotundi, A., Taylor, M., Witasse, O., Altieri, F., Drossart, P., Vandaele, A.C.

      Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 53, issue , 169-182 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/adgeo-53-169-2020

    • Impact of gradients at the Martian terminator on the retrieval of ozone from TGO/NOMAD-UVIS

      Piccialli, A., Vandaele, A.C., Willame, Y., Aoki, S., Depiesse, C., Trompet, L., Neary, L., Viscardy, S., Daerden, F., Erwin, J., Thomas, I.R., Ristic, B., Mason, J. P., Patel, M., Bellucci, G., Lopez-Moreno, J.-J.

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-670 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-670

    • Machine learning for automatic identification of new minor species

      Schmidt, F., Mermy, G.C., Erwin, J., Robert, S., Neary, L., Thomas, I., Daerden, F., Ristic, B., Patel, M., Bellucci, G., Lopez-Moreno, J.-J., Vandaele, A.C.

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-781 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-781

    • NOMAD on ExoMars TGO: Data processing and public release via the ESA Planetary Science Archive

      Thomas, I., Vandaele, A.C., Daerden, F., Ristic, B., Willame, Y., Depiesse, C., Aoki, S., Trompet, L., Erwin, J., Robert, S., Piccialli, A., Neary, L., Viscardy, S., Mason, J., Patel, M., Bellucci, G., Lopez-Moreno, J.J.

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-521 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-521

    • Update on CO2 and temperature profiles from NOMAD-SO on board ExoMars TGO

      Trompet, L., Vandaele, A.C., Aoki, S., Erwin, J., Thomas, I., Villanueva, G., Liuzzi, G., Crismani, M., Lopez-Valverde, M.A., Hill, B., Piccialli, A., Daerden, F., Ristic, B., Lopez-Moreno, J.J., Bellucci, G., Patel, M.

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-641 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-641

    • Observation de la raie verte d'émission de l'oxygène du côté jour dans l'atmosphère de Mars

      Vandaele, A.-C.

      Ciel et Terre, Vol. 136, issue 3, 87 (2020), DOI:

    • Observation de la raie verte d'émission de l'oxygène du côté jour dans l'atmosphère de Mars

      Vandaele, A.-C., Gérard, J.-C., Aoki, S., Lefever, K.

      Ciel et Terre, Vol. 136, issue 4, 98-101 (2020), DOI:

    • NOMAD on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter: One Martian year of observations

      Vandaele, A.C., Daerden, F., Thomas, I.R., Aoki, S., Depiesse, C., Erwin, J., Neary, L., Piccialli, A., Ristic, B., Robert, S., Trompet, L., Viscardy, S., Willame, Y., Mason, J., Patel, M., Bellucci, G., Lopez-Moreno, J.-J.

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-56 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-56

    • Water Vapor and Hydrogen Isotopic Ratio at the Venus Terminator from SOIR/VEX

      Vandaele, A.C., Mahieux, A., Chamberlain, S., Wilquet, V., Robert, S., Piccialli, A., Thomas, I., Trompet, L.

      51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 16-20, 2020, The Woodlands, TX, USA, Vol. , issue , #1377 (2020), DOI:

    • Design and Development of the VenSpec-H Instrument

      Vanhamel, J., Vandaele, A.C., Neefs, E., Robert, S., Jacobs, L., Berkenbosch, S., Thomas, I., Beeckman, B., Moelans, W., Lesschaeve, S., Algoedt, A., De Vos, L., Vaughan, M.

      EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, issue , EPSC2020-535 (2020), DOI: 10.5194/epsc2020-535

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