Publications in 2016....
- PLANET TOPERS: Planets, Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of their ReservoirS.
Dehant V., Baludikay B.K., Beghin J., Breuer D., Claeys Ph., Cornet Y., Cornet L., Debaille V., De Keyser J., El Atrassi F., François C., Gillmann C., Gloesener E., Goderis S., Hidaka Y., Höning D., Javaux E., Karatekin Ö., Maes L., Maurice M., Mattielli N., McKibbin S., Neumann W., Noack L., Pittarello L., Plesa A.C., Robert S., Spohn T., Storme J.-Y., Valdes M., Vandaele A.C., Vanhaecke F., Van Hoolst T., Wilquet V., and the PLANET TOPERS group
OLEB (Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres) 46(4), 369-384, doi:10.1007/s11084-016-9488-z (2016) - Multilayer modeling of the aureole photometry during the Venus transit: comparison between SDO/HMI and VEx/SOIR data.
C. Pere, P. Tanga, Th. Widemann, Ph. Bendjoya, A. Mahieux, V. Wilquet, A.C. Vandaele
Astronomy and Astrophysics 595, A115 (10.1051/0004-6361/201628528) (2016) - Improved algorithm for the transmittance estimation of spectra obtained with SOIR/Venus Express.
Trompet, L., Mahieux, A., Ristic, B., Robert, S., Wilquet, V., Thomas, I.R., Vandaele , A.C., Bertaux, J.L.
Applied Optics 55(32), 9275-9281 (2016) - Aerosol properties in the upper haze of Venus from SPICAV IR data.
Luginin, M., A. Fedorov, D. Belyaev, F. Montmessin, V. Wilquet, O. Korablev, J.-L. Bertaux, A.C. Vandaele
Icarus 277, 154-170 (2016) - Formation of layers of methane in the atmosphere of Mars after surface release
S. Viscardy, F. Daerden, and L. Neary
Geophys. Res. Lett. 43, 18681875, doi:10.1002/2015GL067443 (2016) - Unique Spectroscopy and Imaging of Mars with James Webb Space Telescope.
G. L. Villanueva, F. Altieri, T.R. Clancy, T. Encrenaz, T. Fouchet, P. Hartogh, E. Lellouch, M.A. Lopez-Valverde, M.J. Mumma, R.E. Novak, M.D. Smith, A.C. Vandaele, M.J. Wolff, P. Ferruit, S. N. Milam
PASP (Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific), vol. 128, Number 959, doi:10.1088/1538-3873/128/959/018004 (2016) - SINBAD Electronic Models of the Interface and Control System for the NOMAD Spectrometer on board of ESA ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Mission
José M. Jerónimo Zafra, Rosario Sanz Mesa, Juan M. Gómez Lopez, Julio F. Rodríguez Gómez, Beatriz Aparicio del Moral, Rafael Morales Muñoz, Gian Paolo Candini, M. Carmen Pastor Morales, Nicolás Robles Muñoz, José Juan López-Moreno, Ann C. Vandaele, Eddy Neefs, Rachel Drummond, Sofie Delanoye, Sophie Berkenbosch, Roland Clairquin, Bojan Ristic, Jeroen Maes, Sabrina Bonnewijn, Manish R. Patel, Mark Leese, and the International NOMAD Team
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9904, 99045B (2016), doi:10.1117/12.2233353 - SINBAD Flight Software, the On Board Software of NOMAD in ExoMars 2016
M. Carmen Pastor-Morales, Julio F. Rodriguez-Gomez, Rafael Morales-Munoz, Juan M. Gomez-Lopez, Beatriz Aparicio-del-Moral, Gian Paolo Candini, Jose M. Jeronimo-Zafra, Jose J. Lopez-Moreno, Nicolas F. Robles-Munoz, Rosario Sanz-Mesa, Eddy Neefs, Ann Carine Vandaele, Rachel Drummond, Ian R. Thomas, Sophie Berkenbosch, Roland Clairquin, Sofie Delanoye, Bojan Ristic, Jeroen Maes, Sabrina Bonnewijn, Manish R. Patel, Mark Leese, Jon P. Mason, and the NOMAD team.
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9913, 99133I (2016),doi: 10.1117/12.2230760 - Expected performances of the NOMAD/ExoMars instrument.
S. Robert, A.C. Vandaele, I. Thomas, Y. Willame, F. Daerden, S. Delanoye, C. Depiesse, R. Drummond, E. Neefs, L. Neary, B. Ristic, J. Mason, J.-J. Lopez-Moreno, J. Rodriguez-Gomez, M.R.Patel, G. Bellucci and the NOMAD Team
Planetary and Space Science 124 (2016) 94104, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2016.03.003 - Optical and radiometric models of the NOMAD instrument part II: the infrared channels - SO and LNO.
I. R. Thomas, A.C. Vandaele, S. Robert, E. Neefs, R. Drummond, F. Daerden, S. Delanoye, B. Ristic, S. Berkenbosch, R. Clairquin, J. Maes, S. Bonnewijn, C.Depiesse, A. Mahieux, L. Trompet, L. Neary, Y. Willame, V. Wilquet, D. Nevejans, L. Aballea, W. Moelans, L. De Vos, S. Lesschaeve, N. Van Vooren, J.-J. Lopez-Moreno, M. R. Patel, G. Bellucci and the NOMAD Team
Optics Express, 24(4) (2016) 3790-3805, doi:10.1364/OE.24.003790 - Carbon monoxide observed in Venus' atmosphere with SOIR/VEx.
A.C. Vandaele, A. Mahieux, S. Chamberlain, B. Ristic, S. Robert, I.R. Thomas, L. Trompet, V. Wilquet and J.L. Bertaux
Icarus 272 (2016) 4859, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.02.025 - CO2 pressure broadening and shift coefficients for the 20 band of 12C16O.
R. Hashemi, A. Predoi-Cross, A.S. Dudaryonok, N.N. Lavrentieva, A.C. Vandaele, J. Vander Auwera
J. Molec Spectroscopy 326, 60-72 (2016) - Contribution from SOIR/VEX to the updated Venus International Reference Atmosphere (VIRA).
Vandaele A.C., S. Chamberlain, A. Mahieux, B. Ristic, S. Robert, I. Thomas, L. Trompet, V. Wilquet, D. Belyaev, A. Fedorova, O. Korablev, and J.L. Bertaux
Advanced Space Research 57, 443-458 (2016)