2015-2019 & 2020-2024
The Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure
The Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure (EPN2020-RI) received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654208 to integrate and support planetary science activities across Europe. The project was first launched on 1st September 2015 and ran until 31 August 2019. The project was led by the Open University, UK, and had 34 beneficiary institutions from 19 European countries. Europlanet 2020 RI addressed key scientific and technological challenges facing modern planetary science by providing open access to state-of-the-art research data, models and facilities across the European Research Area.
The Europlanet-2024 Research Infrastructure project, the follow-up of the EPN2020-RI project, received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149. The BIRA-IASB Planetary Atmospheres Research Unit is a partner of the project, in particular we will provide new data services for the Virtual Observatory VESPA.
More on EPN2024-RI webpage